Framework at a glance
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The framework is broken down into five stages, which cover the identification of use case communities through to the development and evaluation of solutions that bring use cases to life within those communities. It is scalable and can be applied to both simple and complex use cases.
It is designed to be cyclical, with shared learning from use cases building an evidence library to inform the iteration of existing use cases and the development of new ones.
Use case communities can follow the whole cycle step-by-step, or pick out individual tools or activities as needed. As part of the initiative’s commitment to open working, use case communities are encouraged to adopt open working practices, with the following OA channels available for use:
Slack - for open communication
Google Drive - for open sharing of resources and documentation
YouTube - for meeting recordings
The remainder of this document will set out each stage of the framework, describe the objective of the stage, suggest processes and activities a use case community can use and provide links to supporting tools and templates.
Understand and plan
Identify and plan the delivery of viable OpenActive based use cases which address prioritised problem statements and demonstrate the potential impact of OpenActive.
Develop and test OpenActive based solutions to the prioritised problem statements. Solutions could include: data, technology, processes, standards or guidance.
Learn and publish
Evaluate if the solution has delivered the expected impact and share learning through the publication of case studies and reports.
Implement viable OpenActive based solutions.