
One - Identify potential use case communities

OA governance will maintain an openly published list of existing and potential new use case communities, which will be informed by:

  1. Policy and evidence library - OA governance will maintain a library of policy analysis of different sectors, and MEL evidence built up from existing use case communities.

  2. OA community input - the OA community can propose potential use case communities through the Use case community suggestion form.

Potential use case communities will be presented to the AEF which will allow:

Two - convene use case communities

Once a viable use case community has been identified, the following steps will be taken to catalyse it:

For new communities:

  1. Identify stakeholders

  2. Engage with these stakeholders and provide a means for them to register their interest

  3. Hold a kick-off meeting

  4. Agree the governance and accountability structure

Where a community already exists:

  1. Engage with the community to establish their existing model

  2. Identify any stakeholder gaps and, where required, invite targeted stakeholders to join the community and/or provide a means for additional stakeholders to register interest in the community

  3. Hold a scoping meeting to establish points of contact and ways of working

Make-up of use case communities

Use case communities can be made up from:

  • Organisations both within the OA community and/or outside the OA community. Involving organisations from outside the current OA community enables the OA community to grow, which should help it become more sustainable

  • Organisations with fixed/closed membership, or with open membership

  • Organisations in overlap with members of the AEF, W3C or SC or independently


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