Prioritisation matrix
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This protocol aims to outline the ways in which OA Governance will interact with use case communities. Although it should be used to ensure a consistent approach where possible, individual organisations within the OA community may choose to offer additional support from their own resources to particular use case communities that align closely with their business objectives.
This matrix provides a means for OA Governance to prioritise support for use case communities against OA’s strategic objectives based on their:
Potential scale
Local - For example town, village or district council
Regional - County council, unitary authority or major city
National - Nationwide
Low - the likelihood of success is low without considerable investment of time and resources. There is little to no existing work or evidence of potential impact in the area.
Medium - reasonable likelihood of success. There is some existing work and research to demonstrate potential impact in the area.
High - likelihood of success is very high. There are multiple organisations already working and expressing interest in the area, and strong evidence to demonstrate potential impact.